VIN IQ Launches Revolutionary Inventory Marketing Tool

[New Westminster, BC, CA] July 19, 2022 – VIN IQ, the automotive industry’s most sophisticated VIN-level analytics and marketing optimization tool, doesn’t just drive conversions and sales, it introduces dealers to a revolutionary new approach to inventory marketing.

“Online solutions like Facebook and Google Ads provide dealers with powerful platforms to sell cars to a wide audience. But the way these tools promote popular vehicles, they often deliver results that don’t truly matter to the success of the dealership. This leaves dealers in the dark as to whether their marketing spend is driving results that matter, like more sales and faster turn.” says Steve Kump, President and CTO of VIN IQ.

VIN IQ uses marketing intelligence to take dealers under-the-hood of their marketing campaigns, pinpointing exactly which campaigns are driving sales on which vehicles, and supplies the tools they need to consistently drive campaign success.

With detailed analytics for each individual unit in their inventory, VIN IQ gives dealer marketers a clear picture of which campaigns are over and under performing — and crucially — which vehicles they are over and under spending on. From there, marketers can use VIN IQ’s automated fix recommendations to reallocate their spend and laser focus their advertising efforts with the click of a button.

“It all starts with VIN-level data — marketing teams will be able to drill down into metrics like VDP and SRP views and engagement, spend and cost per sold VIN, and ROI across all campaigns,” says Kump. “Breaking down marketing performance in this way leads to powerful new optimization possibilities. Dealer marketers are free to make subtle tweaks, or implement extensive strategic changes to their digital marketing. They’ll also be able to activate VIN-level campaigns with VIN IQ powered-inventory catalogs directly with major campaign providers like Facebook, Google and more.”

By ensuring marketing dollars are going to the vehicles that sharpen campaign performance, dealers can seize every opportunity to increase sales. And by providing total transparency into their digital marketing investments, VIN IQ acts as an advocate for dealer marketers, empowering them to optimize their efforts, create faster turns, and generate more sales.


Why Facebook and Google aren’t performing for your dealership


Discover the true value of VDPs over SRPs