Unlocking Marketing Efficiency: The Solution for Dealership Marketing Redundancies

In the dynamic realm of automotive sales, effective marketing is crucial to dealership success. However, many dealers, either unknowingly or knowingly, find themselves entangled in a costly web of marketing redundancy, as the same popular vehicles are relentlessly promoted across various channels like Facebook, Google, and third-party listing platforms. A comprehensive study by VIN IQ, analyzing over 400 dealerships, has shed light on this glaring issue. Popular vehicles continue to be overexposed across all paid marketing campaigns and channels, leaving other inventory neglected, with little to no traffic and engagement. Until recently, dealers had no means to discern exactly which vehicles were getting exposed from across all marketing efforts.

The Costly Problem
Dealers invest significant resources in their marketing campaigns, aiming to drive traffic to their websites. However, these campaigns often end up continuously promoting the same set of popular vehicles. This results in a significant waste of marketing spend when multiplied across the various channels that dealers use.

VIN IQ: Shedding Light on Redundancies
VIN IQ brings transparency to the potentially chaotic world of marketing performance reporting. Dealers can analyze the traffic that lands on their website, by campaign, and then break it down by the specific vehicles that are being promoted. This level of granular insight is a game-changer, allowing dealers to see precisely which vehicles are soaking up their marketing budget and which campaign, or campaigns, are contributing to the problem. Dealers can also advise their marketers to make changes to their campaigns, where possible, in an attempt to correct the redundancies and improve overall efficiencies.

Balancing Exposure: VIN IQ's Unique Solution
VIN IQ goes a step further by offering an automated solution to the problem it uncovers. The platform helps dealers balance their vehicle exposure across all the integrated marketing channels, ensuring that every vehicle in their inventory gets its fair share of the spotlight. By removing redundancies across campaigns, dealers can achieve exposure and engagement on the vehicles that need it, and do so at an incredibly effective price point, without media markups or management percentages and commissions.

The first step: VIN IQ’s Free Marketing Analysis
Some dealerships are already aware of the problems VIN IQ solves, while others remain in the dark. That's why VIN IQ extends an offer: a free detailed Marketing Analysis. It's the first step in identifying where redundancies exist, where marketing dollars are being wasted, and where there are opportunities for improvement.

Every marketing dollar counts. With VIN IQ, you're not just getting insight; you're getting a comprehensive solution to optimize your marketing efforts and correct the imbalance created by the typical campaigns automotive marketers run on behalf of dealers today. Say goodbye to redundancy, waste and unnecessary advertising spend on vehicles that are already getting the engagement they need to sell, and say hello to a smarter, more efficient marketing strategy.

VIN IQ’s free Marketing Analysis will help dealers answer the following critical questions:

  1. Which campaigns are driving the most traffic to particular vehicles?
  2. Are there instances of multiple campaigns promoting the same vehicles?
  3. Where is your marketing spend being duplicated, leading to unnecessary costs?
  4. Which units are neglected by all of your marketing efforts?
  5. What can you do to resolve these shortcomings in your marketings tactics?

Ready to shed light on your marketing redundancies? Get started with your dealership’s Free Marketing Analysis today and receive actionable insights in less than 2 weeks.


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